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  • Writer's pictureBASICS Dorset

Summer Charity News

Spring this year saw many unprecedent challenges for everyone in the country. As Covid-19 swept across the globe we have had to make sacrifices, adapt and work together to protect our communities.

At BASICS Dorset we were forced to postpone our fundraising events and quickly finding ways to continue our service in way that protects our medics, other healthcare staff and the public. BASICS responders are volunteers who fit their shifts around their usual clinical work in hospitals and GP surgery's. Despite the increased pressure in the NHS and supporting agencies we were still able to provide cover to East Dorset in a safe and Covid-secure manner.

We had initially feared that our financial plans for the charity would have to be postponed at least a year until the pandemic passed and fundraising could resume. Just as we stepped up to help our community, our community have returned the favour.

First, the Wareham branch of the "41 Club" have continued their support through a donation from their charity fund. Back in February they hosted Dr Katie and BASICS support officer Jon for a dinner which included presentation by BASICS Dorset on the service. After dinner the members kindly pledged another contribution form the proceeds of their forthcoming Easter "Beerex" Festival. Despite the forced cancellation of the event, the branch have still made a generous donation from their charity fund.

In the wake of the pandemic a number of charities and trusts made available grants to allow other charities to continued despite having their traditional cashflow interrupted. The Talbot Village Trust is a local philanthropic organisation here in Bournemouth which ahs been around about as long as the town itself. Continuing their mission of community aid they have made us a very generous grant. This will not only enable us to continue operations through the pandemic but also to allow us expand the service as per long-term plan.

In spite of the increased pressures at work, our local staff at South Western Ambulance and Dorset HealthCare NHS Trusts have held some fundraising events at work and made kind donations to us. The good news now as we edge towards summer is that we have achieved a funding milestone which will enable to register with Charities House in the near future.

For now, we all have work to do in recovering from this wave of Covid-19 and improving the way we work to be ready for future challenges. At this time we sadly have no plans to recommence our education events programme due to the practicalities of doing so in a Covid-secure way. We want to send a big, heartfelt thanks you for all our partners in the Emergency Services and the NHS. It's been heartwarming to have worked with such amazing people in this difficult time. Stay safe and we hope to see you all soon in better days.

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